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Validator resources

Thousand Validator Program

The Thousand Validator Program alias "1kv" is a way for new validators to become active by backing of the Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies by using their funds to nominate selected validators. There is an 1kv backend which arranges the scoring and nominations, the information is presented in "endpoints". It is a changing system in which sometimes new endpoint or scores are introduced. To extract and display these score's there are various overviews build by various kusama/polkadot enthousiasts, which sometimes give a better overview then the original website. Below some of these resources:


Main 1kv sitegithubMain site and 1kv backend, source for endpoints but overview not so up to date due to various updates
SubVT telegram bot polkadot / kusamagithubExcellent telegram bot with overviews and alerts for various polkadot and kusama related events, including 1kv events
SubVT ios and android appgithubSubVT app version for mobile phones
Validator earnings overviewgithubOverview of earning of validators in a time period
Math Crypto's Insightsgithub1KV oriented scoring overview of Kusama and Polkadot, similarities with polkachu's overviews but much more up to date
One-t polkadot / kusamagithubA performance report bot for the Polkadot and Kusama network with special focus on the One Thousand validator programme
One-t parachains overviewgithubOne-T's parachain overview
Metaspan's 1kv overviewgithubUp to date overview including the newly introduced endpoints, see here for available endpoints
Decentradot's 1kv overviewgithubUp to date overview including the newly introduced endpoints
Hirish 1kv overviewgithub?1KV overview
Highstake's ansible rolesgithubAnsible roles to deploy a validator node